Redrow - location microsite helps sell out homes

Building micro sites and marketing for a national homebuilder

The Hemisphere project at Edgbaston Mill by Redrow Homes featured 344x 1 and 2 bedroom apartments for sale to an upcoming executive sector.

Conveniently located just out of Birmingham in the plush area of Edgbaston, a central patr of their sales and marketing effort was to create a bespoke project-only micro website that could appeal directly to that public. 

Redrow logo

Redrow Homes property website

Redrow Homes hemisphere development

Redrow Homes property website

"Redrow hired my team because we demonstrated clarity and defintion in our project plans as well as a verve for capturing the development's look and feel on a website"


Project Brief

One of the big five UK property developers, Redrow has built over 100,000 houses and apartments for a diverse and growing population. The 50 year old company push the boundaries of available, affordable properties and the Hemisphere project felt squarely towards first time buyers and executives with 100-200k to spend. 


  • Given the locality of each development to appeal to a local audience, Redrow quite rightly adopted a localised micro site marketing approach.


  • The Hemisphere micro site was challenged to hold a wide range of rich media - maps, hundreds of images and videos - at a time (2009) when bandwidth was a luxury! Careful oprimisation and lazy delivery of this content was required.


  • Redrow worked closely with us on the localised marketing of the micro-site: press releases, SEO, Adwords, email capture and marketing; all based on a careful understanding of the targeted demographic

Deadlines and site speeds were crcuial in this project, given the push promotional campaigns and sales targets involved within Redrow


Project Delivery

The challenge was to help market and sell as many apartments in the Edgbaston development as soon as possible, so search engine promotion and great web design was vital


  • The Hemisphere microsite was delivered in under 4 weeks with a clean and aspirational feel, dependant on the photography provided by third parties.


  • Content and site optimisation was done in parallel with the build, whilst pre-emptive press releases, paid advertising content and marketing was readied to be rolled out immeditately upon site launch.

Such was the success of this website, that Redrow created their own internal team to match our work for future property releases.



Redrow Homes management team was very pleased with both the materials output and the marketing performance of the Hemisphere micro site.


We were informed that 87% of the available properties were reserved or sold within 5 months of the website and marketing going live - a clear successful result.

redrow logo
  1. Clean look and feel to match the property
  2. Secure lead capture and hosting stability for peak traffic periods
  3. Delivered on time in full
  4. Best practice Technical SEO implemented
  5. Supporting a sales team who hit all targets
  6. Commercial success for a leading brand
  7. Profitable web development for the agency

redrow property development website

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