About Me

About me

A resourceful, ideas-driven individual grounded in data and analytics.

Agency owner, SaaS startup founder and analytics addict, I have seen or experienced the majority of digital challenges in the last 20 years.

My interest in digital began at Pioneer where I was tasked with modernising my key accounts sales operations - in other words getting them to move to digital. Several took their first steps into eCommerce, others opted for lead acquisition strategies to generate more business in an ever changing world, and unfortunately some never pivoted and no longer exist.

Seeing my recommended digital strategies turn into sales gave me the bug.

Next steps

Growing my eCommerce experience in an agency world

I chose to make my passion full time and accepted a position at the award winning Zen Internet in their web solutions division (2005). I led the new 'small business division' delivering static websites and SEO/Paid campaigns for 2 years, until I was promoted to handle eCommerce and digital marketing projects for a wider range of clients.

I project managed a Tesco site, developed the largest digital marketing retainer we had with National Tyres, and worked tightly with the web development manager in delivering the Cormar Carpets web portal (again the largest contract we had delivered at that point).

Yet I still loved working with the plucky family businesses who desperately needed a clear ROI like Photo First Aid, Healthystep and Luxus Lofts.

Zen Internet logo
Online eCommerce Performance Report
Stepping out

Building and cultivating my own #agencylife

In 2012 - inspired, motivated and wanting to build clients up - I launched my own digital agency specialising in eCommerce and Digital Marketing.

Obsessing over the knowledge that Google Analytics, page user tracking and statistical reports could offer, the majority of my decisions became fact-based - grounded in data. My web design colleagues were coached to blend their design intuition with A/B testing, and my SEO crew were encouraged to open their eyes to opportunities whilst crunching the technicals.

Moving to our beautiful offices on King Street in Manchester, we won client work and continually delivered results for the likes of Dencover, Pride Road Architects, Experia UK and London Camera Exchange.

After 7 wonderful years of management, account sales, landlord arguments and brand development, we began work on what would become the next phase of my evolution: Shopit

eCommerce Development

Putting my money where my mouth is

In 2018, I pivoted from running a successful digital agency to building out my own eCommerce platform Shopit that could test the boundaries of the competition. My desire to fix problems, increase opportunity for retailers, and crush down on costs meant I went head first into the challenge.  Right now it's a healthy, self-sufficient entity with global investors and a variety of clients.

What's important here is creating Shopit it taught me an incredible amount about web development, about the needs of many eCommerce customers, and the day to day challenges they face. 

Shopit ecommerce platform
Giving back

eCommerce consulting services to boost your growth

ecommerce consultant